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Imatinib Mesylate (STI-571) sold under the brand name Glivec, Gleevec which is a targeted therapy used to treat blood cancer (Leukemia CML & ALL). Buy Generic Imatinib at wholesale price from LetsMeds a Trusted Medicines Supplier, Contact us at Mail: info@LetsMeds.Com, WeChat & Skype: LetsMeds.


Imatinib Details :

The medicine is approved for medical use in the USA in 2001. It is on the WHO Essential Medicines List.

Imatinib Veenat is available in strength 100mg and 400mg.

Veenat 400mg active ingredient is Imatinib Mesylate.

Packaging is Veenat 100mg - 120 Capsules and Veenat 400mg - 30 Tablets.

Glivec is manufactured by Novartis India Ltd.

Imatinib Veenat 400mg Tablets is manufactured by Natco Pharma Ltd. India. 


Veenat 400mg Tablet Uses :

Imatinib Veenat is an oral chemotherapy medication used to treat cancer - Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML), Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) for newly diagnosed infants and adults patients with Philadelphia Chromosome positive (PH+). 

and also treat Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST), Chronic Eosinophilic Leukemia (CEL), Systemic Mastocytosis, and Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS).


How Generic Glivec Tablet Work :

This is a chemotherapy drug that works by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells. Imatinib directly inhabits the constitutive tyrosine kinase activity, as a result, the transmission of proliferative signals to the nucleus is blocked. It stops the Bcr-Abl tyrosine-kinase.


How to Take Veenat Tablets :

Imatinib Veenat is available in the form of Capsules and Tablets, so taken by mouth with a glass of water. Follow instructions prescribed by your health provider about dosages and timing of taking the tablet. Do not chew, crush, or split the tablet before taking it and not mix with food and liquid, and do not take a larger or smaller quantity. Do not take this medicine empty stomach.


Imatinib Generic Brands India :

Veenat by Natco Pharma

Imatib by Cipla Ltd.

Cadinib by Cadila Pharmaceuticals

Imanib by Intas Pharmaceuticals

Imalek by Sun Pharma

Imatero by Hetero Drugs Ltd.

Mitinab by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals


Glivec Tablets Side Effects :

Appetite Loss, Cough,  Fatigue, Headaches, Nausea, Vomiting, Muscle Cramp, Skin Rash, Swelling, Joint Pain, reduction in body weight, and hair loss or hair thinning, etc.

Discuss with your health provider if you feel any unusual symptoms about these side effects. S/he helps to prevent and reduce these side effects.


Precautions before taking Imatinib :

Consult with your health provider about if any past medical history, or presently taking any medicine.

Do not take Imatinib if you're pregnant, without consulting with your doctor. 

Breastfeeding during the treatment may be harmful, so consult with your health provider first.

Do not conceive a child, both men, and women while taking the medicine.

Follow each step or guidelines during the treatment period provided by your doctor.


Buy Original Indian Imatinib Tablets Wholesale Supplier Worldwide : 

If you are looking for Generic Imatinib Tablets and its brands such as Veenat 400mg Tablets at wholesale price, you can contact LetsMeds a Trusted Medicines Supplier Worldwide.


Why Choose LetsMeds?

LetsMeds is an Indian Generic Medicines Exporter Worldwide, deals in anti-cancer, hepatitis, antibacterial, HIV-Aids, etc. with original quality and affordable prices anywhere worldwide with fast delivery and money-back guarantee. Visit our online platform LetsMeds.Com and order generic the medicine you want, we send generic Imatinib Capsules overseas countries including Hong Kong, UK, Philippines, Singapore, China, USA, Romania, UAE, Russia, Japan, Jordan, Vietnam, Malaysia, Nepal, Poland, and many others. 

If you want to Know Indian Imatinib Tablets Wholesale Price -

Contact us directly at :

Mail: info@LetsMeds.Com

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WeChat & Skype: LetsMeds


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